Friday, November 13, 2009


With all the rain, flooding and power outages, I'm not sure how many of you will be able to see this. But when all the water is gone, you're going to have to start cleaning up. Use your homeowner's insurance or your flood insurance policies to help. That's why you've got them. Most insurance companies are extremely helpful in these times. Here are a few numbers of the most common insurance companies:

Allstate - 1-800-255-7828
Nationwide - 1-888-669-6877
- 1-800-531-8722
Farmers- 1-800-435-7764
State Farm - Good Luck with this one (spent 20 mintues on their website and did not find a number to call. Apparently, you have to know your agents name and call them directly) Website =

Good luck and stay dry!!!

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